Oregon Movies, A to Z

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Battle For Brooklyn @ Hollywood Theatre, Oct. 8/ 7:00 PM/ Q & A with Michael Galinsky and Suki Hawley

October 7th, 2011 by Anne Richardson · No Comments · News, Not an Oregon film

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It doesn’t happen all the time. Two consecutive posts on Oregon Movies, A to Z are about people fighting to retain the right to their homes.  In the television movie I Will Fight No More Forever (1975), it is the Nez Perce people. In Battle For Brooklyn (2011), it is the people whose homes fall within the blocks slated for demolition for a new basketball arena in Brooklyn.

Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky make unusually powerful documentaries, and they will be present for a ONE NIGHT ONLY screening of Battle For Brooklyn at the Hollywood Theatre ( itself saved from demolition by neighborhood activists). Galinsky and Hawley are filmmakers first, masters of the craft, so their work bristles with intelligence on two levels – the complexity of their intellectual engagement is matched by the high level of creative engagement as visual artists.

Go see this film.

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